The story begins when I was 17, that's when I realized the potential and beauty of my afro hair . After undoing my hairstyle, I simply asked myself the question "Why do I force myself to have straighteners and extensions over and over again?": I had never really thought about it.
I turned to YouTube and spent days and nights gathering as much information as possible and drawing inspiration from the "nappies" who had had the revelation before me. After a big chop, putting the advice into practice, and having aroused the curiosity of many people, I decided to share my experience during my learning and discovery phase.
My YouTube community has grown and since 2020 I have been offering accessories that help preserve the beauty of all types of hair: satin bonnets , scrunchies , turbans , scarves , headbands , etc. Since the end of 2021, I have been making Chrissy Fro accessories by hand with fabrics chosen by me.
The goal is also to highlight hair and help young people start their story not at 17, but from childhood, so that it becomes anchored in them, as if it were obvious.